We annouce three movie projects and call for funding now. We need sponsors and investors to produce our next movie ideas. We want to produce:
FILM PROJECT „Rescue Mission Raja Ampat“
Synopsis: Follow science adventurers to the most remote area of Raja Ampat on their mission to explore the unknown of West Papua nature resources. During the expedition to a very remote island group and only reachable by helicopter over the island the drama began when the helicopter must do an emergency landing on a lake on the island surrounded by hills deep in the jungle. Observe the mission of the expedition to rescue the disappeared heli crew in the jungle. In danger of being lost in nature’s paradise consisting of more than 1500 tiny islands the explorers continue their mission to research the marine eco-system during they try to find back to civilization and do their self-rescue. Surprises happen when they found not only new species but also an aircraft wreck in the lake and an isolated tribe of original Papua people deep in the islands jungle may from time of cannibalism.
Film plot: Adventurers working together in Raja Ampat witch is one of the most remote island areas of the world. Deep inside the coral triangle in the north of West Papua, most southern district of Indonesia, the tiny scientist group doing a research exploration and expedition more north in Raja Ampat on search in different interests of the adventurers by boat and amphibian helicopter to find the unknown and solve the mystery of Raja Ampat.
Max is the helicopter pilot and explores Raja Ampat for centuries by aerial and scuba diving missions for his passion as conservationist to protect this extraordinary marine reserve.
Stephan is a scientist and marine and human biologist on search for new antibiotics and oncology medicines in the jungle and coral reefs.
Benjo is a nature documentary filmmaker and want to find out how the environment pollution going on in Raja Ampat and if Raja Ampat needs to be rescued from the human influence.
After their self-rescue, the film crew becomes aware of how valuable the coral triangle and Raja Ampat are for the earth and makes a detour to the island ‘Bangka’ in the natural paradise of North Sulawesi not far from Raja Ampat. Situated in the middle of the tropical underwater wonder between the Bunaken Marine National Park and the famous ‘Lembeh Strait’ a small island, which was almost tragically destroyed by human hands, and thus one of the most wondrous coral areas in the world.
But the civil disobedience and resistance of the island population by all judicial instances of Indonesia brought the destruction of the island and surrounding nature to a halt. In North Sulawesi we also meet two other German scientists, who tried intensively to resist an iron ore mine on the island of Bangka together with the locals.
Legislative changes in Indonesia allowed the provincial government to grant planning permission for an iron ore mine on the island of Banka. The island’s inhabitants, resort managers, divers and scientists thus saw the near destruction of the island and of the entire underwater region by this environmental sin.
Contrary to the ecolological importance in the region, and unfortunately the island of Bangka lies only just outside the Bunaken Marine National Park and near the island of Lembeh, an evil disaster and crime against nature was organized here by corrupt politicians, because since 2010 a mining company from Hong Kong arranged the establishment of an iron ore mine on the beautiful island of Bangka against the will and resistance of the inhabitants of Bangka. After a long struggle, the inhabitants won against the system of machinations of the environmental destroyers.
The marine area lies in the middle of the Russel Wallace Line and is unique in the underwater world. The 2700 inhabitants of Bangka live from fishing, coconut plantations and above all diving tourism. With the mine the entire region was brought into great danger, because also the nearby Marine National Park and the Strait of Lembeh can be sedimented via ocean currents through the mine, which would have led to the death of the corals and thus all fauna and flora.
We film the background of this environmental scandal and analyse the future consequences for nature through such industrial projects. In our film we show the fantastic underwater wonders in front of Bangka and ‘Lembeh Strait’. A marine region which is famous for its world of small creepy animals under and above water. A lot of species have originated here on the Russel Wallace line, which are endemic only here and therefore worth to be protected.
But the region is not only threatened by mining operations, but also by the immense plastic waste that floats in the sea, because there is no reasonable recycling concept in North Sulawesi, and in addition there is the problem of untreated sewage, as well as the fact that the general rise in water temperatures in the coral triangle causes the corals and thus the reefs to die.
2. FILM PROJECT „White Maasai Warrior II – Move the cows back“
After our first movie about the ‘White Maasai Warrior’ we want to continue our mission to explore Africa. Take a look into our first part and be part of the next movie with the Maasai…
We want to continue our adventures in the heart of Africa and solve a promise Benjo made to the Maasai Morans he joined in our first movie.
Benjo changed back to act as a real Maasai Warrior and steel original swiss cows to bring them back to the Morans in the Maasai Mara Serengeti Ecosystem.
As a thank you the Morans invite and show Benjo very fascinating locations in Tanszania like a hike to the active volcano and ‘Mount of God’ of the Maasai folks onto the Mt. Ol Doinyo Lengai, the Natron lake and explorings into the Ngorongoro crater.
As a thank you Benjo invites the Morans for a trip to Zanzibar and we try to teach them sailing and scuba diving.
3. FILM PROJECT „Marine Science Adventures“
We continue our adventures in and around the Med. and Red Sea by yacht sailing and scuba diving. Biologist and filmmaker Stephan Stahl and friends continue to explore the oceans for medical research.
We search for answers how we can heal our souls and bodies by doing adventure traveling. Finding some families doing exciting travels together with their children. We research a different life style and what is the best for your health.
We need to fund these three movies with help from the audience.
Please contact Stephan Stahl andFabian Rabe:
Donate / send money investment to our PayPal account:
Marine-Medicine.com Movie shows our adventure travels to find a cure for cancer by following patients, scientists and doctors.
Movie length: 146 min
Languages: ENGLISH and GERMAN
The English language version of the movie you find there:
The German / DEUTSCH language version of the movie you find there:
After more than a decade of dealing with the subject of cancer and the question how people who survived cancer have treated themselves, my brother and I, have decided to publish our new film now too freely, because after all, thanks to the Internet, google and facebook we have learned so much about cancer therapies freely accessible and learned from patients that we now publish our adventures through this film as a thank you to ALL interested people.
In the last years we had wonderful experiences with the venture to live on a small sailing yacht and to sail through the Adriatic Sea into the Aegean Sea. Traveling as an adventure in itself is an enormous support for the immune system and well-being of people suffering from cancer. So we took Simone and other cancer patients on sailing trips in the Mediterranean.
Our film describes our sailing adventures and patient cases, as examples of what cancer patients do in the world to ensure their survival and what power naturopathy, phytotherapy, as well as the conversion of old known drugs for cancer therapy offer.
This movie release is for free only for non-commercial use to inform and update the public about our experience with adventure traveling and searching for a cancer cure.
If you like our movie and get an information advantage please be fair and donate for our future work on movie projects and cancer research.
All informations about this production you can find on the movie homepage: Marine-Medicine.com
Where you can also donate via PayPal, or Crypto-Coins…
Its allowed to copy this movie so long you not make money with it directly or ask for approval. You can reach us via our movie homepage above.
If you want to get the movie in high quality HD please donate money and write a request on the donation, then we will send you ftp login for downloading the movie from our servers or send you the movie on bluray or stick.
On this blog we explain our next movie projects and situation why we call for donations and funding our next movies. If you have any question about the movie do not hesitate to contact the filmmakers Stephan and Fabian via email on our movie homepage.